The Smart Alec Show

#6 - David Quintanilla: Ethics in Business, Education System Flaws, Law School

Episode Summary

David Quintanilla is a lecturer of Business Law & Ethics at The University of Texas and co-owner of Cavanaugh Quintanilla PLLC. “Mr. Q” has served as a VP of Legal & Finance in the healthcare industry, CFO of his family’s business in the restaurant industry, as well as having worked within the non-profit space. He received his BA in Government at UT, his law degree from St. Mary’s University, and his Masters in Public Policy & Philosophy from the London School of Economics. Above all, Mr. Q is not only a friend of the show but an amazing person dedicated to making the world a better place. Connect with Mr. Q here: - Linkedin: TRANSCRIPT: 0:00- 1:09 Intro 1:09 Mr. Q being Alec’s first and only Latino professor in college — what does that say about where we need to go as a country, state, community? 3:03 Mr. Q’s legal expertise in helping people create businesses and plan estates; Moving from working with the family business to discovering his passion for teaching 8:19 What’s important to know for someone trying to find what their meant to do? * Difficulty of being young & not knowing * Implications of school systems making kids specialize as early as 12 years old 15:38 Find what you’re good at & enjoy, makes you money, and what makes the world a better place — imagine a Venn diagram 16:16 The daunting decision 18 year olds are tasked with — what do I want to do with my studies and my life * 17:30 Process of elimination and looking at intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation to aid decision making 18:10 Is there a problem with the education system steering kids towards specializing and pigeon-holing themselves into a specific career path as early as age 12? * 21:32 Mr. Q’s perspective on how coming from places of privilege/ financial stability allow certain parents to tell their kids to go pursue happiness and passion 24:04 The utility and power of seeing different perspectives and being empathetic towards multiple 25:28 The world isn’t just black and white — there’s plenty of grey area. Why it’s important to ask what’s around the corner 28:29 The importance of unity as human beings despite differences in perspectives and belief systems 30:15 The toughest things Mr. Q teaches with regards to ethics and morality in his business law teachings * Loyalty vs honesty * Walking through everything * Shitty answers vs a shitty answers * “The best answer is rarely the easiest answer” 38:51 The effects of GroupThink, Conformity Bias, and Self-Confirmation Bias * Benefits to thinking for yourself 44:23 The 50s-70s responding to hippie culture by saying “no everything exists within this strict box”; Boxed in ideology and the flaws of this way of thinking * The benefits of putting ideas/ beliefs through analysis 45:40 Gone Baby Gone’s ethical dilemma: 2 tough decisions making us question where we draw the line in society on certain issues and who gets to make those choices * 50:45 The importance of recognizing that our way of life isn’t the only way of life; Dangers of saying that “my world view should be someone else’s reality” 52:00 The slippery slope of making bad choices = “Incrementalism” 53:00 Alec’s journey of walking through the perspective of pessimism/ baggage and coming back to his belief in resiliency and optimism, how putting his ideology through the gauntlet yielded more confidence in his original belief than prior * We must think of issues at an individual level AND at a macro level * Difficulty of finding best solutions at scale 58:21 What is law school really like 1:09:12 Dallas vs Austin 1:12:35 Characteristics of a good lawyer * Integrity on integrity on integrity 1:14:35 Mr. Q’s 3 biggest motivators in life Podcast info: - Podcast website: - RSS feed: feed: - Spotify: - Apple podcasts: - Amazon Music & Audible: Connect with Alec on Social: - Instagram: - Twitter: - LinkedIn: Recorded in January 2021

Episode Notes

David Quintanilla is a lecturer of Business Law & Ethics at The University of Texas and co-owner of Cavanaugh Quintanilla PLLC. “Mr. Q” has served as a VP of Legal & Finance in the healthcare industry, CFO of his family’s business in the restaurant industry, as well as having worked within the non-profit space. He received his BA in Government at UT, his law degree from St. Mary’s University, and his Masters in Public Policy & Philosophy from the London School of Economics. Above all, Mr. Q is not only a friend of the show but an amazing person dedicated to making the world a better place.


Connect with Mr. Q here:





0:00- 1:09 Intro


1:09 Mr. Q being Alec’s first and only Latino professor in college — what does that say about where we need to go as a country, state, community?


3:03 Mr. Q’s legal expertise in helping people create businesses and plan estates; Moving from working with the family business to discovering his passion for teaching


8:19 What’s important to know for someone trying to find what their meant to do?


15:38 Find what you’re good at & enjoy, makes you money, and what makes the world a better place — imagine a Venn diagram


16:16 The daunting decision 18 year olds are tasked with — what do I want to do with my studies and my life


18:10 Is there a problem with the education system steering kids towards specializing and pigeon-holing themselves into a specific career path as early as age 12?


24:04 The utility and power of seeing different perspectives and being empathetic towards multiple


25:28 The world isn’t just black and white — there’s plenty of grey area. Why it’s important to ask what’s around the corner


28:29 The importance of unity as human beings despite differences in perspectives and belief systems


30:15 The toughest things Mr. Q teaches with regards to ethics and morality in his business law teachings


38:51 The effects of GroupThink, Conformity Bias, and Self-Confirmation Bias


44:23 The 50s-70s responding to hippie culture by saying “no everything exists within this strict box”; Boxed in ideology and the flaws of this way of thinking


45:40 Gone Baby Gone’s ethical dilemma: 2 tough decisions making us question where we draw the line in society on certain issues and who gets to make those choices


52:00 The slippery slope of making bad choices = “Incrementalism”


53:00 Alec’s journey of walking through the perspective of pessimism/ baggage and coming back to his belief in resiliency and optimism, how putting his ideology through the gauntlet yielded more confidence in his original belief than prior


58:21 What is law school really like


1:09:12 Dallas vs Austin


1:12:35 Characteristics of a good lawyer


1:14:35 Mr. Q’s 3 biggest motivators in life


Podcast info:


Connect with Alec on Social:



Recorded in January 2021